JUMP TOFEC Data APIAnalytics EndpointsReturns age distribution for the donors to one or more committeesgetReturns the number of cumulative donors over time for one or more candidates a given candidate id(s) and cycle(s)getCandidate EndpointsReturn candidate information for a given candidate namegetCommittee EndpointsReturn Candidate and Committee information for a given candidate namegetEnricher APIage and genderReturns gender and age estimates for a JSON file with names and reference datespostReturns gender and age distribution for a name and a reference date.getethnicityReturns ethnicities for a name and a year given in a JSON file.postReturns ethnicity for a name and a year.getPowered by Returns gender and age estimates for a JSON file with names and reference datespost https://example.com/enrich/v1/age_gender