Data Model
Access to our Data
We provide our data extracted from the FCC fillings together with meta-data added by the FCC in a single compressed CSV file available from our API or online in a Google Sheet. The data is updated frequently.
Download our Data from the Data API
View our Data in Google Sheets
The CSV file contains the following columns with meta-data first and our extracted data below:
Column Name | Description |
unique_id | our internal id |
fcc_url | Direct download URL linking to the original FCC filing containing the current document |
fcc_callsign | Callsign of the station |
fcc_service | TV service type |
fcc_rf_channel | RF channel |
fcc_virtual_channel | Virtual channel |
fcc_community_city | Community city of the station |
fcc_community_state | Community state |
fcc_nielsen_dma | Nielsen DMA (Designated Market Area) |
fcc_create_ts | Timestamp when the filing was originally uploaded to FCC |
fcc_entity_id | FCC's unique id for each broadcasting station |
fcc_full_qualified_file_name | FCC filing original folder and file names |
fcc_last_update_ts | Timestamp when the filing was last updated at FCC |
fcc_network_affiliation | Network affiliation of station |
fcc_nielsen_dma_rank | Provided by FCC but appears to be the same as Nielsen DMA |
The following columns contain the extracted information: | |
document_candidate | Candidate buying spots |
document_first_page | Page of the corresponding FCC filing where the current document begins |
document_last_page | Page of the corresponding FCC filing where the current document ends |
document_type | Either Order or Contract |
document_id | Document identifier as given by the network |
document_reference_id | Document identifier as given by the network (referencing another document) |
document_date_issue | Issue date of the current document |
document_date_revised | Revision date of the current document |
document_flight_start | Start of flight (length almost always 1 week) |
document_flight_end | End of flight |
document_amount_gross_total | Gross total for buy |
document_amount_net_total | Net total for buy |
Updated over 4 years ago